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KBPX 46.3 The NuDu, Houston, TX

202865 views in 7 years

Houstons Own Country Ep62

262834 views in 7 years

Houstons Own Country Ep63

339872 views in 7 years

Westbury Christian Girls - 02/07/17

221455 views in 7 years

Westbury Christian Boys - 02/07/17


Currently On The NuDu


“Missing” is a weekly half-hour educational/informationalseries focusing on actual cases of missing persons. Theseries, which is appropriate for family viewing and childrenages 13-16 in particular, provides information anddescriptions of missing children, including endangeredrunaways as well as victims of abductions. The show alsopresents peer-to-peer advice on safety in public places andin cyber space, including real-world examples of how toavoid potentially dangerous situations. The programemphasizes taking active responsibility for personal safetyand promotes situational awareness, presented in a calmand non-threatening manner suited for teenagers.
From: 2:00PM Til: 2:30PM (:30)